My shower has a leak, what do I do?
Check all hoses and connections are tight on the rear of the shower. Also, check the water valve and massage jets to ensure they are not leaking. If a part has failed simply report to Insignia Customer Services.
If your shower leaks between panels, panel tray, or centre column joints, this will always be due to a failed silicone seal on the install.
Check from the back where water leaks and note this. But do remember, where you see the leak is not always where the water spills out from. If a re-seal is required, please ensure all silicone and/or RubberGum is removed and the surface is clean and dry prior to re-seal. DO NOT apply silicone over silicone and DO ENSURE if you are using RubberGum, it does not come in contact with the silicone.
Common misconceptions are that it may be a product fault if a leak is in the shower, however, please do remember all the joints are made on-site by silicone and/or RubberGum and are applied by the installer.
Top Tip: Remember... all of our showers are made of impervious materials, therefore the water cannot leak through these (metal, glass, fiberglass, etc.) therefore, check the onsite joints.
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